Nicasio Historical Society


Welcome to the Nicasio Historical Society. Our mission is to research, document, preserve, share and celebrate Nicasio’s rich history and legacy with our members.

Recent Events

A Visit to Sandy Wallace’s Alpaca Ranch


Join the Nicasio Historical Society today!

The Nicasio Historical Society welcomes anyone who has an interest in Marin history. Your membership helps support our efforts to preserve, share and celebrate Nicasio's history with our members. Your membership includes two issues annually of the Nicasio Historical society Newsletter, which features articles and photographs about Nicasio past and present, updates regarding our Society's progress, advance notice of upcoming events and interesting and informative interview transcripts. 

If you share our interest in the history of Nicasio, please become a member of the Nicasio Historical Society.

Download the Membership Application Form

Send your completed form and a check for $40 payable to NHS to:

Nicasio Historical Society
PO Box 111
Nicasio, CA 94946  

Nicasio Historical Society Board of Directors

President: Elaine Doss

Vice President: Amy Morse

Secretary: Sue Loar          

Treasurer: Marcy Shone                    

Historian: Dewey Livingston    

Sergeant-at-Arms: Stan Loar

Directors-at-Large: Robin Allen, Rick Lafranchi, Mimi Lewis, Stephen Lewis, Sue Loar, Mary Jo Maendle, Rocky Shone, Arden & Thomas Wood

NHS History in Words & Images

Due to the persistent urging of centenarian Boyd Stewart, a group of Nicasio residents, convened by Joe McNeil, founded the Nicasio Historical Society in July of 2003. We are a non-profit, public benefit California Corporation that already has significant archives consisting of photographs, documents and written and recorded material relating to life in Nicasio throughout its history. Our Directors are a dedicated group of unpaid volunteers devoted to pursuing our Mission: Research, document, preserve, share, and celebrate the rich history and Legacy of the Nicasio Valley.

Our initial endeavor was assembling information for a book on the history of the Nicasio Valley, which was Boyd Stewart’s ultimate dream. Local historian Dewey Livingston, who helped guide our efforts both regarding this five-year book project as well as our nascent historical society, continues to guide us as NHS director. He initially trained a core group of our members in interviewing and official records researching techniques. Thanks to the efforts of all involved and to the generosity of our members, Nicasio: The Historic Valley at the Center of Marin, written by Dewey Livingston, was published in 2008 and is available for all to read and enjoy. 

Our next grand endeavor was the compilation (another five-year project) and publication in 2012 of a photo history book by Elaine Doss, entitled Nicasio Children Through the Years, which coincided with our Grand Sesquicentennial Celebration (150th anniversary) of both Nicasio Township and Nicasio School District on May 12, 2012. The event activities included a parade (with the Wells Fargo stage coach and four-horse team, vintage farm equipment, horse-drawn conveyances, vintage automobiles and many Nicasio residents and schoolchildren in vintage attire), tours of town square buildings, early California music and dances, snack food and soft drinks, a display of art depicting Nicasio, a model of the town square in 1900 and dramatic presentations of notable pioneers of Nicasio in St. Mary’s Church by students of Nicasio School.

In addition, Elaine Doss and Dewey Livingston have conducted live interviews in a series called Recollections before audiences of 50 – 75 Society members and guests. Joe McNeil spearheaded a series of Ranch Tours, which began at the historic Nicasio Gallagher Ranch in 2004 and which continue into the present. A dramatic and well-attended event was the Historic Town Square Buildings Tour, conceived by Joe McNeil and held in August 2005, October 2006 and May 2012. During this event, Society directors and volunteers dressed in period costumes and conducted tours in and around the buildings that historically graced our town square. The NHS booklet entitled Around the Square, a self-guided tour written by Joe McNeil and edited by Elaine Doss and Dewey Livingston, was published and revised for these events.

Our best-attended event to date was the Grand Opening of the NHS Museum in October 2014, during which guests enjoyed a new museum exhibit on Nicasio’s Coast Miwok village, an illustrated talk by Betty Goerke entitled The Symbolism and Significance of Native Art in Nicasio, an illustrated talk by Dewey Livingston on Nicasio’s early settlers, a display of art depicting Nicasio, a model of the town square in 1900, carriage rides, refreshments including local wine and cheese tasting, Miwok games, live music and more. Many of our past events have had attendance of between 50 and 75 people, the Grand Sesquicentennial Celebration attendance in 2012 was 100-150 people. when the Museum Grand Opening attendance numbered between 150 and 200, we realized that as an organization we had honed our skills of promoting our events and planning attractive and engaging activities.

Nicasio Historical Society Store

Nicasio baseball cap — $35

Nicasio: Hidden Valley in Transition — $60

Nicasio’s Oldtimers, Newcomers & Remarkable Guests — $25

NICASIO: The Historic Valley at the Center of Marin — $25

Nicasio Children Through the Years — $20

Around the Square — $10

Nicasio Historical Society

P.O. Box 111, Nicasio, CA 94946

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Nicasio Historical Society
P.O. Box 111, Nicasio, CA 94946

All Nicasio Historical Society research, materials & photos may be used
only with written permission. All rights reserved.